ACS Netball
We commence the second half of the winter season next week. So far, the A, B and C teams have been working on their skills and developing to become great competition against the other schools. Last term the girls were learning about working within their teams and how to best work together for the game.
A team are 50/50 on wins to losses. With some injuries there have been some team changes going forward, but with past student and superstar Chloe Volling as the coach and the improvement seen at training the girls should make a strong comeback this term.
B Team have been going well with one loss so far due to some changes within the A team. The B Team has also been restructured, but I am delighted to report that the girls look ready to bring home the season and hopefully beat St Leonard’s this time!
C Team have been doing an amazing job and remain undefeated so far! With a team restructure and Maddie Irvine in the coach's box, they look set to keep going with their strength and finish the season strong.
Starting from next Monday the Year 7 Netball teams will start training with the Year 8 Netball squad which should help create some healthy competition and challenge the girls in their game play which will help with their game play each week as we work to the end of the season.
Jodie Laube
College Nurse and Netball Coach/Aficionado

A Team: Ellie Loftus, Chelsea Kennedy, Saskia Wong, Lexie Williams, Annabelle Smith, Maree Christopoulos, Edie Coetzee. Absent: Lila Chominsky and Kitty Honisett

B Team: Ivy Nelson, Grace Pearce, Audrey Urban-McDonald, Ava Brazel, Keira Charnock, Theodora Galovich, Gabriella Roberts, Hannah Ten Hoopen.

C Team: Milly-Rose Aldis, Allegra Macri-Mihai, Milana Haugh, Evie Schultheiss, Van Nguyen, Harriet Neave. Absent Isabella Ortiz and Natasha Puccio.