Michael Chesser

From the Director of Catholic Mission and Mercy Ethos

Heavenly Father,

As we commence a new school year, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude and hope. We thank You for the gift of knowledge and the opportunity to embark on another educational journey together. We seek Your presence and guidance, that we may walk in wisdom and understanding throughout the days ahead.

We pray for our teachers who are entrusted with the noble mission of shaping young minds. Grant them patience, compassion, and a passion for imparting knowledge. May they find joy in their calling and be a source of inspiration to their students.

We pray for the students who are eager to learn and grow. Bless them with a hunger for knowledge, the courage to embrace challenges, and the perseverance to overcome obstacles. Help them discover their unique talents and use them for the greater good.

We pray for the parents and guardians whose love and support are invaluable in a child's journey through education. Strengthen them to be pillars of encouragement, and may they find wisdom in nurturing their children's dreams.

We pray for the school staff, the unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes. Bless them with diligence and unity as they share their service towards the school community with dedication and care.

Grant wisdom and discernment to the school leaders and administrators. Guide their decisions, that they may create a safe and nurturing environment of hospitality, conducive to learning and personal growth.

O Lord, we ask for Your protection over our school. Shield us from harm and adversity, and may this place be filled with love, respect, and understanding, fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusion for all.

As we begin this new chapter, we acknowledge the challenges that may come our way. Still, we have faith that with your grace, justice, and guidance, we can overcome anything that stands before us.

In Your name, we pray for a successful and fulfilling school year, where we may learn, grow, and make cherished memories together.

We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, who taught us how to bring about Your Kingdom.
