From the Principal
The month of November is traditionally a time in which we remember those who have died. It is related to the fact that the end of November is the end of the Liturgical Year with a new year starting the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period before Christmas.
We give thanks for those who have gone before us and we look with prayer and hope to their new life in heaven and our desire to join them there one day.
November is also the month where we remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in defence of the liberties we all enjoy. The poppy still remains one of the most potent and moving symbols.
For our Mercy family, November 11th is not only Remembrance Day but also the date our founder passed away. Catherine McAuley was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1778.On 12 December 1831, she and two others professed their vows as the first Sisters of Mercy. Before her death on 11 November 1841, Catherine founded convents and works of mercy throughout Ireland and England.
On Thursday, 10 November, I was privileged to attend along with January Ma, the election ceremony of Eden Foster our College Psychologist (pictured above) as the Mayor of the City of Greater Dandenong. As Eden assumes this role we pray that she makes a positive difference in all her decisions, keeping in mind the community that has showed huge trust in her. Congratulations Eden and we all wish you well.
I also share with you that I will be taking leave from 21 November, returning on December 1st. During my absence Rachel Valentine will be taking on the role of Acting Principal and Chris Needle Acting Deputy Principal.As the class of 2023 finished their exams this week, I wish them all a safe time while they await their results in mid-December.
Mary Farah, College Principal