From the Senior Years
For Senior students in Years 11 and 12, Term 4 is a time for consolidation and demonstration of learning as students head into their VCAA examinations and their school-based Year 11 examinations. This is an important time for preparation and where ongoing efforts come to fruition.
On Tuesday 24 October, Year 12 students commenced their VCAA examinations with their first and longest examination: English and EAL. We wish all the students the best for this and hope that the questions are fair and balanced, that they manage their time well and that they leave feeling that they have given their best on the day.
Speaking with Year 11 students about their preparation for their upcoming examinations, the focus for them was on controlling what they can: their preparation and willingness to submit practice exam questions for feedback and acting on that to continue to improve in the time that they have.
In addition to their studies, Year 11 students welcomed Brainstorm Productions to perform Wired – an award winning dramatic performance that follows the journey of two students whose lives relate to the experiences of our students at the College. The themes covered included: social isolation, perfectionism and burnout, pressure from social media and the impact of cyberbullying. Year 11 students were highly engaged in the performance and commented positively. Amilia I (Year 11A) and Alexia P (Year 11A) both commented that it was really fun while also conveying relevant messages about common experiences for many students in Year 10 and 11.
Below is a more detailed student perspective from Amelie D (Year 11C) on what she learned from the performance:

The two performers interaction with the audiences really helped engage us into the show and helped us to connect to what they were communicating. By involving the audience and asking for our opinions on what choices they should make through out the show made it like an open conversation, allowing everyone to voice their thoughts and opinions.
The content that they were communicating to the audience was realistic, and vey relatable, which help us to really connect with and understand the characters in the performance. This also helped reinforce that are emotions and struggles are valid, and we are not alone. The performance showed us that many people our age struggle with their mental health and that there are so many different avenues to seek help and support.
In addition to the theme of eSaftey, a leadership opportunity that parents and carers may wish to discuss with their Year 11 student is the eSafety Youth Council that is seeking new members to shape the direction of eSaftey in Victoria. This would be of interest to emerging student leaders that are passionate about impacting their community in a positive way, have an interest in technology and are attuned to the intersection between technology and ethics.
This is great opportunity for young people to share their voices with industry leaders and government to help us understand what a safer online world could look like, ensuring it resonates with and protects younger generations.
By joining the eSafety Youth Council, young people have the opportunity to:
- Co-design programs, policies and develop content that promotes a safer online environment for their generation.
- Work with government and leaders in the industry.
- Develop their professional skillset through learning opportunities.
The eSaftey Youth Council is looking for young people aged 13 to 24 from all over Australia with a range of personalities and backgrounds. Application responses can be submitted in written or other creative form, such as video, audio, poster, song - a great way to engage young people on online safety issues. More information can be found here. Applications close 1 December 2023.
Tom Crowle
Senior Years Leader