From the Senior Years
Welcome back, dear students, parents, and staff to Term 2 2024.
As Term 2 begins we warmly embrace the return to bustling hallways, vibrant classrooms, and the infectious energy that fills our school community.
On this note of energy, participation and commitment from Senior School students, I want to congratulate and commend the Year 11 and Year 12 students on their end to Term 1 at the Athletics carnival. I note that the Year 11 cohort had 80% attendance and Yer 12 had 99% attendance on the day – this was outstanding from the Year 12s in particular. I encourage them to bring this vibrancy to their studies this Term.
Looking ahead to Term 2, there are a number of key milestones for Senior students. This includes the focus on their studies, including the General Achievement Test that is completed by all students studying a Unit 3 – 4 sequence on Tuesday 18 June.
For Year 11 students, as part of the Nourish Program there is a focus on strategies to support their academic wellbeing, including the second and third sessions from Elevate Education as part of an ongoing focus on key areas for maximising their academic growth, time management, and examination skills. Additionally, the Year 11 and Year 10 cohort will have an incursion from Brainstorm Productions as a creative way to engage with wellbeing issues related to interpersonal relationships and negotiating the challenges as part of teenagehood. This complements the ongoing focus of the Nourish Program on the Respectful Relationships curriculum as part of the College commitment to this as part of the well-rounded pastoral care program.
With each step back onto campus, each student embarks on their personal journey of growth, discovery, and shared camaraderie with their peers. I hope this Term brings all students endless possibilities and that students will be fueled by curiosity, determination, and a shared commitment to excellence – ad altiora.
Tom Crowle
Senior Years Leader