From Year 9
I would like to start this article by expressing what a pleasure it has been working with such a wonderful group of students and their families. It has been such a positive year, and I have found the Year 9 students of 2023 to be enthusiastic, willing, hardworking, and enjoyable to teach. The year has been full of community spirit and social events at the College, along with academic achievements and wellbeing development at each year level.
Our Nourish sessions have focused on wellbeing and connecting the year level and House Groups. In these sessions, students learned about the benefits of having a Gratitude Journal, the importance of sleep, and participated in sessions on Respectful Relationships. Students also worked together to run the Caritas Fundraising for Project Compassion and Mercy Day activities. They collaborated to organise a Year Level Assembly on themes of their choice. The students engaged in these sessions and found them to be personally beneficial, providing a great opportunity for students to come together as a class and collaborate.
The Mercy RITES Program saw some great outreach projects, including hot chocolate sales, baking treats for animals at the Lost Dogs' Home (where they visited), training Year 7 students for their ACS competition and leading them into the grand final, lunchtime jewellery-making clubs, a farm visit, and much more. These experiences have been valuable for students to put into practice the Universal Learning Program (ULP) and values through inquiry learning.
Of course, we can’t forget the camp experience and the Year 9 Reflection Day at the Lume. What wonderful experiences these were, with students kayaking, surfing, and learning about Indigenous artwork and spirituality. Year 9 has so much to offer, and I have seen students develop strength, resilience, and a passion for learning. I look forward to seeing these traits continue to grow as they venture into Year 10 and the VCE Pathway. I would like to leave you with some student reflections from the Co-Class Captains of Year 9, 2023.
Mary De Bono
Year 9 Leader
In Semester 2, some students in Year 9 were able to participate in the Seeds of Justice regional event where we learnt more about the importance of welcoming people who are in need. This was an amazing opportunity to meet new people who came from different schools. This year has been amazing for all of us and we look forward to the next year with excitement
Astha B
I felt that I grew so much in Year 9 and it was great being a Year 9 Co-Captain. I really enjoyed Year 9 and especially our camp experience. On camp when we arrived to the campsite in Torquay, to explore the town for lunch. Some students surfed although the waves were limited. We also were able to kayak along the Spring Creek River. We are really enjoyed the beautiful weather, the nature and having fun with all our classmates we are thankful for the surfing instructors for guiding the group. We are also thankful to our teachers. It was a great way to end the term.
Loaner G
In Semester 1 of our Year 9 experience, we had many fun events take place. We had our Swimming Carnival which everybody enjoyed, as well as Athletics Day where everybody got involved. We also had our annual St Aloysius Day which is always a fun hit as we all had amazing costumes according to the theme “through the decades”, as well as participating in many fun activities. In 2023 we also discovered a love for our pastoral class, as we formed new friendships. With the help of our teacher Ms Bourgault. We made our room a positive and exciting environment where nobody was afraid to be themselves.
Charlotte D M & Helena C