From Year 9
Over the past two weeks the Year 9 students have been working on their Mercy RITES Projects. The projects are coming together well and students have presented their project briefs to their class. Some of these projects will be actioned in the next three weeks and others early next term. Here is a list of some of the projects that students are working on. Some students are making beanies for winter, and these will be donated to McAuley Services for Women. Others are making stuffed toy animals to donate to children in hospital. One group visited the historical exhibitions at Melbourne Museum and are going to present their findings to the Year 7’s as a history lesson another group are going to be selling hot chocolate during a lunchtime and donating funds to St de Paul Winter Sleep Out. Some students are in the process of working with a nursing home to connect with the elderly and provide donations. There are many other projects, these are just a few of the interest projects that students are working on.
In Nourish students are working with their Pastoral Teacher as each class is in charge of creating and running an assembly for the year level. Every student in the pastoral group must contribute in some way to the assembly. Some might choose to make the PowerPoint, another person may choose to be the tech person on the day and others may choose to present. Students have to choose a theme and must include acknowledgment of country and prayer. They might choose to have activities for the year level to participate in to engage the audience. In the past these have been very fun and informative. They are a great way to promote student action and engagement.
The Communication Boards in each of the Year 9 Classrooms continue to look great with new things being added each week. It is great to be walking around in the morning visiting Pastoral Rooms and hearing students talking about the quote for the week that they want for their community board or suggesting books to read or movies to see. The boards have certainly created a sense of interaction and togetherness within the class.
I am looking forward to seeing what the next two weeks brings for Year 9 students.
Mary De Bono, Year 9 Leader