Assemblies and Dissections

From Year 8

On Monday, we had the pleasure of experiencing another captivating and meticulously executed pastoral assembly by the students of 8B. The assembly was a delightful blend of entertainment and organization, showcasing the talents of the students who treated us to a range of engaging elements, including mesmerizing magic tricks by the pastoral teacher, light-hearted jokes, adorable pet photos, insightful book recommendations, an impressive piano duet recital, and much more. To get the full essence of this remarkable event, I encourage you to look at the attached photos.

Rita Stangherlin
Year 8 Team Leader

The preparation for the year-level assembly was very exciting and fun, however, it was very time-consuming, and it was a little bit difficult trying to coordinate each slide to a group of people. The actual presentation was very interesting. It was wonderful seeing everything what everyone had been working on!
Sara Soricho 8B

Heart Dissection

While studying body systems in Year 8 Science, we have been investigating the role of key organs within the various systems which keep our bodies functioning. One of these critical organs is the heart. This organ plays an important role not only as the pump for the circulatory system, but without the heart, the oxygen from our lungs and the glucose from our food would not be able to be delivered to our body cells to make the energy which keeps us alive. Similarly, waste removal would also be seriously affected, as blood wouldn’t be filtered through the kidneys to remove wastes and carbon dioxide produced by the cells would be trapped within the body. So, understanding the heart is an important part of our investigation into the various body systems. While images from texts and online can be useful in providing an understanding of the heart structure and function, there are times where a hands-on experience can be very valuable. Which is why we encourage students to participate in the dissection of specific organs. This process allows students to see and feel the structures and the different textures of the various tissues of these organs – an experience which differs significantly to viewing only images.

Theresa Daunt
Year 8 Science Teacher