From Year 8
The last two weeks in Year 8 have flown by so quickly, the extra-long weekend has allowed students to do some extra study for the Year 8 exams starting on Monday. Our two Nourish session have been very engaging with our last visit from True North about emotional intelligence and how to change our emotions. This week we had Nick Parissis Leading Senior Constable from the North Melbourne Police Station visit the Year 7, 8 & 9 students to discuss Cyberbullying. We should all remember his sage advice; “don’t send a message you would not like to receive”.
Rita Stangherlin, Year 8 Leader
With all the camps finally concluded on a memorable note, the Year 8's now head into week 6 for their end of year exams. Many of us are looking forward to getting it over and done with so we may move onto step ahead sooner, whilst the rest of us are nervous to see the results. These exams are to help us get acquainted with the experience of studying and sitting a proper exam in preparation for what comes in the future. As the year is finishing up, everyone's workload intensifies. Nonetheless, we all strive to do our best on these exams and in our last few weeks of Year 8s at St Aloysius.
Mia He 8C
With the camps finished, everybody is busy preparing for the exams. We are having our first exams next week for four subjects, Mathematics, Science, English and Humanities. Most of the Year 8s are anxious about how they will go and are studying and revising as much as they can as soon as they get home, while others are waiting for the exams to get them over and done with. These exams help us improve our revision techniques and adjust to the self-discipline of sitting an examination. Everybody is excited for Step Ahead and Year 9, hoping to end up with friends for their pastoral group
Alice Everitt-Hirota 8c
I'm sure many students may be experiencing some nervousness just like I am as well and the nervousness may continue before, during, or even after the exam. But besides the nervousness, I think it's best to always stay in the 'present' as well as looking forward. So personally, I always try to keep a positive mindset.
Alana Pham 8A