From Year 9
Week five marks the middle of term and the awaited Melbourne Cup Weekend has come and gone. I wish the weather could have been a little more on the sunny side. I hope students were able to either have a nice rest or catch up with their studies. I would like to the opportunity to thank all Year 9 students on the dedication they have shown towards preparation for their upcoming examinations.
On Thursday during Nourish students had a talk by Nick Parissis the Leading Senior Constable of Neighborhood Policing Co-Ordinator on Cyber Safety and the importance of staying safe online. Students were engaged and found his presentation to be very eye opening. It is hoped that after hearing the talk, students will think twice about what they post online and how they act online.
It was extremely exciting that Mr Lonsdale and I were able to accompany thirty Year 9 & 10 students to attend Swinburne University to attend the Power of Engineering Conference. The Conference included sessions on the Bionic Hand and Water Filtration. Students also had the opportunity to have a site tour the outside edge of the Glen Huntly Rail underpass project. They met several amazing women that are working as engineers on the project and also were able to see machinery at work and site operations. It was a wonderful opportunity for all students involved.
Mary De Bono, Year 9 Leader